Oxford, United Kingdom

Hi! I'm Heather.

Originally from Toronto, Canada, I'm a 20-year-old aspiring scholar in International Relations that's now based in the UK. I'm particularly fascinated by the politics of climate change and its effect on traditional conceptions of the international order. I am also interested in new ways of thinking about the world, and recently have grown particularly fascinated with Ikenberry's Three Worlds and different ways of conceptualizing the global order, including theories that do not centre the nation-state.
A photo of the owner of the webpage. She is smiling in front of a pier.

About Me:

I'm currently an undergraduate student at the University of Oxford, studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE). At Oxford, I specialise in international relations and I am currently writing a thesis about the implications of international environmental agreements and their implications for hierarchy, uniquely conceptualised through a lens of climate change and the environment. I also currently work as a Research Assistant at the Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI), helping with programming and research related to Canadian defence and security.

In the past , I've worked as a research assistant for the Department of Economics and the Department of English Language and Literature at Oxford. I also spearheaded the Righting History project at Shake Up the Establishment, exploring who gets to tell Canadian history and its implications for the present, past, and future.

My CV is linked here, and at the top of this website. If you're interested in anything I've done or written, please feel free to email me at heather.hz.li@gmail.com. I'm particularly interested in helping out with international relations research, either at a university or in a non-profit/governmental capacity.

Currently Reading: I Who Have Never Known Men, Jacqueline Harpman